Cybersecurity for Small Businesses: Questions to Consider

Cybersecurity for Small Businesses: Questions to Consider 


Cybersecurity is no longer an issue confined to the IT department. It is a cross-organisational concern with the ability to affect all aspects of a modern business’s operations. If you are a business owner, director, executive or manager, you too have a responsibility over the protection of digital assets within your organisation. Developing an appropriate level of cybersecurity literacy is critical for all team members to play their vital role in planning protecting and responding to cyber-attacks.


Here are some questions to consider:


  • What are the types of threats we need to defend against?
  • How are we placed in relation to our competitors in terms of cybersecurity maturity?
  • What assurances do we have that our defences are adequate, operational and continually evolving to meet new challenges?
  • What role do our users play in protecting the organisation and themselves against modern cyber threats?


If you are unsure of how to answer these questions, it may be worthwhile speaking to a specialist about how you can improve your cybersecurity effectiveness and gain peace of mind that your systems are configured correctly.


365 Architechs adopts a top-down approach to cybersecurity awareness. We emphasise the importance of internal capability development as a key element in understanding risks, improving defences and taking a more proactive approach to engaging with cybersecurity professionals. Engage with a specialist cybersecurity organisation or build an internal capability to detect, respond and recover from inevitable attacks on your business.


We offer a SME Cybersecurity Toolkit comprising three new solutions tailored specifically for small to medium-sized businesses. Choose from a Cybersecurity Audit, a Cybersecurity Workshop and a Cybersecurity Diagnostic to help you leverage your existing systems to strengthen your cybersecurity resiliency. 


Learn more: SME Cybersecurity Toolkit – 365 Architechs

Author picture

Tim Timchur, Managing Director, 365 Architechs, is a qualified accountant, cybersecurity professional and governance and risk management expert.


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